The Best Credit Cards in Canada
Sometimes, free is not always good. For example, there are lots of credit cards without annual fees. But compared to some credit cards that charge annual fees, these free cards have fewer benefits. I compared several banks/institutions' credit cards and I like these three most.
First is CIBC Costo MasterCard. I recommend signing up as an executive member with a CAD$120 annual fee because this membership has 2% cashback. Costco has many products that other stores do not offer, such as its Kirkland brand items, much fresher fruits, much cheaper meat, discounted makeup, medicine, supplements, etc.
The second is the TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite Credit Card. TD has several Infinite credit cards but I like this Aeroplan Visa credit card the most. It is ideal for someone who flights often. Its benefits include free first-checked baggage, and travel insurance policies, such as trip cancelation, trip delay insurance, delayed/lost baggage insurance, etc. Its annual fee is CAD$139 but you can get a credit if you apply from the Air Canada website and you may be exempt from the first-year annual fee depending on TD's limit time offer.
TD has the TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Card but since I usually book through Air Canada, this card is less attractive to me.
The third credit card I like is PC Financial Mastercard. If you have Optimum points that can earn up to 10 PC Optimum points for every $1 spent in-store or online, this MasterCard is a good option for you when you shop at Shoppers, Superstore, and Esso gas stations. By the way, it is annual fee free.
So let me make a conclusion. The CIBC Costo card covers your grocery and daily spending, TD Aeroplan takes care of your vacations/trips, and PC Financial Mastercard helps you earn extra money if you occasionally purchase in the stores that apply Optimum points.
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